100 Beautiful Days – Day Thirteen

Day 13

As I write tonight my house is quiet, the large clock in my living room is the only sound outside of the clicking of computer keys.  Tick – tock, tick – tock, tick – tock.  That clock reminds me that I’m waiting – I’m in a waiting season – time is ticking and I wait.

Friend – are you waiting too?  Is there a miracle that you need to see happen or maybe a promise that needs to be fulfilled? Are you down on your knees every day just begging for God to move mountains on your behalf, to intervene in a situation that desperately needs his attention?

I’m there – I’m in that season and it isn’t a new place, I’ve been here before.  I’ve got journal entries to prove it and Bible scribblings to back it up.  If you haven’t been here you will be and if you’ve been here before you most likely will be here again.  Waiting, clinging, praying, holding out hope.

These seasons of waiting are beautiful and ugly all at the same time.  They push me forward and pull me backward, they lift me up and bring me down they make me weak but then oh how they make me strong, so very strong.

The assurance that we have is that God is in the middle of the waiting.  He hasn’t left me and he hasn’t left you.  Oh, it will feel like he has and Satan will want you to believe that he has but know this…he has not!  There are lessons to be learned and there is growth to be accomplished and so the waiting must go on.

We are in good company in this season of waiting – so many have gone before us.  Abraham, Joseph, Job, Moses, Paul.  Giants of faith and masters of waiting! 

 As I wait, I remember who God is and how much he loves me. When I feel anxious, I pray. When I feel unworthy, I pray. When I feel afraid that the outcome won’t be what I want it to be, I pray.  I pray, very often, in the middle of the night in this quiet room with the ticking clock. The ticking that reminds me we are getting closer – the day of answered prayer awaits.

The beauty of this waiting season is how very close it draws us to our father. In the middle of the waiting is the knowledge that the outcome is not the big picture, knowing him better and loving him more…that’s the big picture.

 While I wait, I remind myself of all he has done before and I look back on other seasons of waiting and take note of how he answered those prayers.  I don’t know that he will answer these prayers in the same way but I do know that he will answer.  I don’t know what he wants me to learn in the middle, but I know I’m willing to learn it. I don’t know what the outcome looks like but I know he’s there, on the other side of this season of waiting.

As I wait today the Lord and his goodness and his peace washes over me like a mighty river.  I know that he is moving, I know that he has a plan and I know that I can trust it.  In the quiet of this house the ticking of that clock does not rattle me or make me feel that time is running out.  It reminds me that the answer is coming, it is getting closer, the day of answered prayer awaits!

Be encouraged my friend, on this night with the beautiful moon, that as you wait he waits with you.  The creator of heaven and earth fights for you, loves you and waits with you! There is no beauty greater than that!

3 Replies to “100 Beautiful Days – Day Thirteen”

  1. Thanks, Jayne, I needed to hear this one especially. I’ve loved them all but this one was for me!
    I’m a very patient person, or so I thought. Waiting for something you want so very, very much to happen is a difficult thing to do!
    My faith is the only thing that has gotten me thru.


    1. I gave this site info to a friend/ coworker. She really needs prayers!!! I do my best to help her but she really needs God in her life!


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